October 23-25, 2020 | Westin Convention Center | Pittsburgh, PA

The Mormon Social Science Association (MSSA) invites proposals for individual papers, panels or author meets critics sessions for the 2020 annual conference, held conjointly with the meetings of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion and the Religious Research Association (SSSR). We invite contributions on all topics relevant to the social scientific study of Mormonism, with special interest in those featuring multiculturalism, gender/sexuality, post-colonialism, generational change, and questions of disaffiliation/retention. Proposals should include a paper/panel title, a 250-word abstract, and the names, contact information, and institutional affiliation of all participants.

Submissions Open: January 10, 2020
Submissions Close: April 20, 2020
Decision Notification: April 30, 2020

Please submit proposals to Janna Riess and Gordon Shepherd at:

As an interdisciplinary and international association, the MSSA promotes the social scientific study of Mormon­ism and facil­itates communication and collaboration among re­searchers, edu­cators and students. Membership is open to all. We sponsor scholarly conferences, publi­ca­tions, panel discussions, paper sessions, and the biennial Glenn M. Vernon Lecture. Join us today.

Download a printable PDF of the Call for Papers

CANCELLED – CALL FOR PAPERS MSSA 5th Annual One-Day Conference March 25, 2020

This event was cancelled.

Utah Valley University | Orem, Utah

The Mormon Social Science Association (MSSA) invites individual papers for our 5th Annual One-Day Conference 2020. We invite contributions on all topics relevant to the social scientific study of Mormonism, with special interest in those featuring:

  • gender/sexuality
  • multiculturalism
  • globalism
  • disaffiliation/retention concerns

Proposals should include a paper title, a 250-word abstract, and the names, contact infor­mation, and institutional affiliation of all authors.

Please submit proposals to both Gordon Shepherd at and to Jana Riess at

Submissions Open:      November 15, 2019
Submissions Close:     February 15, 2020
Decision Notification:   March 1, 2020

The Mormon Social Science Association (MSSA) promotes the social scientific study of study of Mormon­ism. The MSSA is interdisciplinary and international, and facil­itates communication and collaboration among re­searchers, edu­cators, and students. Membership is open to all. Our annual meeting is held con­jointly with the Society for the Scientific Study of Reli­gion (SSSR).

Join us today.


2019 Glenn M. Vernon Lecture


Laurie Maffly-Kipp

Pulling toward Zion: Mormonism in its Global Dimensions

Laurie Maffly-Kipp is the Archer Alexander Distinguished Professor at the John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics. She also serves as the Director of the Religious Studies program at Washington University in St. Louis.

October 26 | 9:00 AM

Mormon Social Science Association Annual Meeting 2019. Saint Louis, Missouri Keynote Speaker Laurie Maffly-Kipp

Link to Full #SSSR_RRA19 Program:

Call for Papers | MSSA Annual Conference 2019 | October 25-27 | Hyatt Regency at the Arch | Saint Louis, Missouri

The Mormon Social Science Association (MSSA) invites proposals for individual papers, panels or author meets critics sessions for the 2019 annual conference, held con­jointly with the meetings of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion and the Religious Research Association (SSSR/RRA). We invite contributions on all topics relevant to the social scientific study of Mormonism, with special interest in those featuring multiculturalism, gender/sexuality, post-colonialism, and questions of disaffiliation/retention. Proposals should include a paper/panel title, a 250-word abstract, and the names, contact infor­mation, and institutional affiliation of all participants.

Submissions Open: January 25, 2019
Submissions Close: March 20, 2019
Decision Notification: April 30, 2018

Please submit proposals to Gordon Shepherd at:

2019 MSSA KEYNOTE ADDRESS | We are delighted to announce that Dr. Laurie F. Maffly-Kipp, Archer Alexander Distinguished Professor at the John C. Danforth Center for Religion and Politics, will deliver the 2019 Vernon Lecture at the upcoming Annual Meeting in Saint Louis. 

As an interdisciplinary and international association, the MSSA promotes the social scientific study of study of Mormon­ism and facil­itates communication and collaboration among re­searchers, edu­cators and students. Membership is open to all. We sponsor scholarly conferences, publi­ca­tions, panel discussions, paper sessions, and the biennial Glenn M. Vernon Lecture. Join us today. #MormonStudies

Call for Papers | MSSA 4th Annual One-Day Conference | March 6, 2019 | Utah Valley University

The Mormon Social Science Association (MSSA) invites individual papers for our 4th Annual One-Day Conference 2019 which will take place on March 6, 2019 at Utah Valley University in Orem, Utah.

We invite contributions on all topics relevant to the social scientific study of Mormonism, with special interest in those featuring gender/sexuality, multiculturalism, globalism, and disaffiliation/retention concerns.

Proposals should include a paper title, a 250-word abstract, and the names, contact infor­mation, and institutional affiliation of all participants. Please submit proposals to Gordon Shepherd at:

Submissions Open: November 20, 2018
Submissions Close: February 1, 2019
Decision Notification: February 8, 2019

The Mormon Social Science Association (MSSA) promotes the social scientific study of study of Mormon­ism. The MSSA is interdisciplinary and international, and facil­itates communication and collaboration among re­searchers, edu­cators, and students. Membership is open to all. Our annual meeting is held con­jointly with the Society for the Scientific Study of Reli­gion (SSSR). Join us today.     #MormonStudies

Printable PDF Poster of Call for Papers

CFP 2019_MSSA_One-Day Conference

MSSA Annual Meeting 2018 | Tropicana Hotel | Las Vegas, Nevada | October 26-28

MSSA_SSSR + RRA Speakers_2018 LAS VEGAS 2

Mormon Social Science Association Annual Meeting


Join us for the Annual Meeting of the MSSA, October 26-28, 2018 at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Click on the PDF link above for an “At a Glance” conference line-up.

The MSSA gathering is held annually in conjunction with the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion and the Religious Research Association  (SSSR + RRA). The full program for #SSSR2018LV is available online here.


22nd Annual Arrington Lecture – Patty Limerick

Patricia Nelson Limerick will be giving the 22nd Annual Arrington Lecture on Thursday, September 29, 2016, at 7 p.m.  Her talk will be titled: “Hair-Raising Tales from the Department of the Interior: A Report from the Front Lines of the Battle Against Boredom”

Please see this flyer for more information.


2016 MORMON MEDIA STUDIES SYMPOSIUM: Mormonism and Global Media




Theme: Mormonism and Global Media

Conference site: BYU Hawai‘i campus in Lā‘ie, Hawai‘i

Conference date: November 3 & 4, 2016

Proposal submissions due July 1, 2016 (early submission strongly encouraged)

Symposium website:

Sponsored by Department of International Cultural Studies and the College of Language, Culture and Arts, BYU Hawai‘i

Mormonism grows in a world with a variety of religion-society and religion-media relationships. Its historical, cultural, social, and political insertions into host countries may differ significantly from place to place. Thus Mormonism’s treatment by the media, its attempts to publicize itself through the media, and its members’ use of media technologies in religiously relevant ways—to name a few types of relationships with the media—may differ significantly from U.S. Mormon-media patterns. A conference on Mormonism and media surveys the current situation, raises new questions, and encourages new conversations about a globally growing religion and the part media play in particular cultures.

Submission of Paper and Panel Proposals

Academics, professionals, and students are invited to submit competitive papers or panel proposals about any aspect of Mormons and the media. Papers and panels may be broadly interdisciplinary; international perspectives are strongly encouraged; all rigorous scholarly methodological frameworks and theories are welcome. Submissions should be either full papers (preferred; approx. 6,000–8,000 words, with 100-word abstract) or extended abstracts (approx. 500 words). Proposals for audio and/or visual presentations (including short films) with rigorous analysis are welcome. Papers recently presented or published elsewhere may be considered (please provide details).

Examples of topics include but are not limited to:

  • Analyses of media content by or about Mormons (textual, rhetorical, thematic, etc.) in various cultures
  • Mormon-produced media (contemporary, historical, international, etc.): Internet, social media, newspapers, magazines, books, television, radio, film, etc.
  • Content, producers, and effects of recent and historical depictions of Mormons in news and popular culture
  • Mormons, media & politics, U.S. and international
  • Mormon media uses and effects, including social media
  • Mormon media images and depictions (contemporary & historical)
  • Concepts of voice, identity, and community in media by or about Mormons
  • Content and effects of LDS public relations, advertising, messaging
  • Audience studies: meaning-making, effects, responses, influences, behavior and attitudinal changes
  • Institutional LDS perspectives on media: responses and effects
  • Mormons as media creators, producers, publishers, inventors, disseminators, editors, writers, etc.; or others in these categories who have produced LDS-related media or content
  • Mormon-related film, TV programming, reality show participation, etc.
  • Comparative studies (Mormons and media as compared to other religions or institutions)
  • Historical, sociological, literary, rhetorical, legal, international, psychological, etc. perspectives on Mormons and media
  • Mormon-related entertainment, theater, music, and popular culture productions

Papers presented at the symposium will be given special consideration, at authors’ discretion, for publication in the Journal of Media and Religion.

Paper, panel, and presentation proposals must be submitted by July 1, 2016 in Word or PDF format as an email attachment to Dr. Chiung Hwang Chen at or Dr. Daniel Stout at Early submission and registration are strongly encouraged. For more information, please visit the symposium website at