Call for Papers: April 12, 2025 MSSA One-Day Conference at Utah Tech University in Saint George, Utah

Photo: Red rocks of southern Utah. Photo credit: Pexels - J. Eisen

The Mormon Social Science Association welcomes paper submissions for our annual One-Day Conference at Utah Tech University in St. George, Utah on Saturday, April 12, 2025. In addition to paper sessions, there is time and space for research posters from undergraduate and graduate students. Poster proposals should include a title and abstract and specify that it is a poster proposal. Details in the submission form below.

Submissions close: March 15, 2025.

The MSSA invites submissions on all topics relevant to the social scientific study of Mormonism:

  • Individual Papers
  • Session Proposals
  • Panels
  • Author-Meets-Critics sessions
  • Posters

Submit proposals by March 15th through this link.

Call for papers: MSSA annual meeting in Minneapolis, MN October 31 – November 2, 2025

Our main MSSA meeting is held conjointly each year with the SSSR + RRA annual meeting.

Photo by T. Conway on Unsplash.

The Mormon Social Science Association welcomes paper submissions for its annual meeting, held conjointly with the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion + Religious Research Association annual meeting. The event will take place at the Minneapolis Marriott City Center, from October 31 – November 2, 2025.

We invite contributions on all topics relevant to the social scientific study of Mormonism, with special interest in those featuring multiculturalism, gender/sexuality, post-colonialism, generational change, and questions of disaffiliation/retention. The theme of the 2025 SSSR+RRA annual meeting is “Religion Matters.”

Submissions Close: March 15, 2025

The MSSA invites proposals for:

  • Individual papers
  • Session proposals
  • Book panel proposals

MSSA events at the 2024 SSSR+RRA Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA

Moroni statue linocut triptych

Join us for the MSSA panels and sessions on Mormon Studies during the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR) and the Religious Research Association (RRA) happening at the Westin Convention Center, October 18-20, 2024 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Several MSSA board members will also be presenting in other SSSR+RRA sessions.

Join the conversation on our social media channels:

X @MormonMSSA & Facebook @MormonMSSA

Be sure to tag us in your posts and use the #MormonStudies hashtag.

MSSA Program & Board member SSSR+RRA participation

  • 9:00 am: Paper Session A-6 includes Comparing Evangelical and Latter-day Saint Membership Growth in Honduras, 1960-2019 (location: Somerset East)
  • 10:40 am: Paper Session B-10, Transcending Racism and Nationalism? Latter-day Saint Past, Present, and Future (location: Armstrong)
  • 12:15 pm: MSSA business meeting (location: Butler East)
  • 2:50 pm: Paper session D-5 includes Psychedelic experiences of ex-Mormons: a qualitative study (location: Crawford West)
  • 8:30 pm: MSSA affinity group (location: Butler East)
  • 9:00 am: MSSA board member Ryan Cragun’s book panel E-14, Goodbye Religion: The Causes and Consequences of Secularization (location: Armstrong)
  • 9:00 am: MSSA board member Johanna Palomo presents in Paper Session E-3 (location: Butler West)
  • 10:40 am: Paper Session F-7, Mormon Social Science Association: Mormon Catechisms (location: Fayette)
    • Beehive Girls and the Priesthood: Reactions to Women’s Ordination and Feminism in Church Curriculum in the 1970s and 1980s
    • Giving “Primary Answers”: Implicit Catechism in LDS Teacher’s Manuals for Children
    • A Mormon Catechism?: John Jaques’ Catechism for Children and the beginning of Mormon religious instruction for children
    • The value pulpit: An analysis of moral messages in L.D.S. General Conference
  • 2:20 pm: Paper Session G-13, Mormon Gender Roles: Past, Present, and Future (location: Lawrence)
    • Charismatic Authority and Socioreligious Conflict: Exploring Early Mormon Fundamentalist Patriarchal Blessings
    • Religious Identity in Elite Mormon Athletes
    • Charting the Impact of Religion on Women’s Economic Vulnerability in the Twenty-first Century: Perspectives from Mormon Culture
    • Mormons and Efficacy: Gender, Generation, and Orthodoxy as Factors in Creating Change
  • 4:00 pm: Book Panel H-15, Diné dóó Gáamalii: Navajo Latter-day Saint Experiences in the Twentieth Century (location: Armstrong)
  • 6:00 pm: informal MSSA dinner (location: TBD)
  • 9:00 am: Book Panel I-12, The Devil Sat on my Bed: Encounters with the Spirit World in Mormon Utah (location: Somerset West)
  • 10:40 am: MSSA board member Levi Sands presents in Paper Session J-2 (location: Cambria East)
  • 10:40 am: Book Panel J-10, Forever Familias: Race, Gender, and Indigeneity in Peruvian Mormonism

Join the MSSA

As an interdisciplinary and international association, the MSSA promotes the social scientific study of Mormonism and facilitates communication and collaboration among researchers, educators and students. Membership is open to all. We sponsor scholarly conferences, publications, panel discussions, paper sessions,  and the biennial Glenn M. Vernon Lecture. Join us today.

Give to the MSSA

The Armand Mauss Founders’ Fund supports the costs of the Vernon Lecture, honoraria for other invited speakers, student paper awards, student travel assistance, MSSA sponsored publications and other organizational expenses deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.

MSSA One-Day Conference, April 18, 2024

Flags in front of mountains.

The Mormon Social Science Association welcomes presenters and guests to our One-Day Conference at Utah Tech University in St. George, Utah. Paper presentation sessions will be followed by Q&A conversations.

Utah Tech University Campus Map

Session 1

12:00–1:00 PM

College of Education Building (COE), room 121

Arizona Mormon Youth’s Religious Socialization and 2020 Voting Choices

No Longer a “Peculiar People”?: How Mormons differ (or don’t) from other religious groups in their knowledge and acceptance of science

Q & A conversation

Session 2

1:15–2:15 PM

College of Education Building (COE), room 121

Kenyan LDS Women and Gender Roles: Emerging Themes and Next Questions

Shame and Worthiness with Mormon Garments

Q & A conversation

5:00 PM

Dinner together – Place TBD

7:00 PM

Juanita Brooks Conference Keynote

This event will be presented by Laurie Maffly-Kipp in the Taylor Auditorium at Utah Tech University. Maffly-Kipp is the Archer Alexander Distinguished Professor in the Humanities at Washington University in St. Louis.

Link to Juanita Brooks Conference Program and (Free) Registration.

Call for papers: MSSA annual meeting in Pittsburgh, PA, October 18-20, 2024

Our main MSSA meeting is held conjointly each year with the SSSR + RRA annual meeting.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania skyline

Image by C. Klein from Pixabay.

The Mormon Social Science Association welcomes paper submissions for its annual meeting, held conjointly with the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion + Religious Research Association annual meeting. The event will take place at the Westin Convention Center, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, from October 18 to 20, 2024.

We invite contributions on all topics relevant to the social scientific study of Mormonism, with special interest in those featuring multiculturalism, gender/sexuality, post-colonialism, generational change, and questions of disaffiliation/retention. The theme of the 2024 SSSR+RRA annual meeting is “Religion: Past, Present, and Future.”

Submissions Close: March 15, 2024

The MSSA invites proposals for:

  • Individual papers
  • Session proposals
  • Book panel proposals

Submit proposals through this link by Friday March 15th, 2024

Join the MSSA

As an interdisciplinary and international association, the MSSA promotes the social scientific study of Mormonism and facilitates communication and collaboration among researchers, educators and students. Membership is open to all. We sponsor scholarly conferences, publications, panel discussions, paper sessions,  and the biennial Glenn M. Vernon Lecture. Join us today

Call for Papers: April 18, 2024 MSSA One-Day Conference at Utah Tech University in Saint George, Utah

Photo: Utah Tech University photo database

The Mormon Social Science Association welcomes paper submissions for our One-Day Conference at Utah Tech University in St. George, Utah on Thursday, April 18, 2024. In addition to paper sessions, there is time and space for research posters from undergraduate and graduate students. Poster proposals should include a title and abstract and specify that it is a poster proposal. Title and abstract should be 150 to 250 words.

Submissions close March 19, 2024.

The MSSA invites submissions on all topics relevant to the social scientific study of Mormonism:

  • Individual Papers
  • Session Proposals
  • Panels
  • Author-Meets-Critics sessions
  • Posters

Submit proposals by March 19th through this link.

2023 SSSR + RRA Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City Utah

Angel Moroni statue; engraved doorknob, Salt Lake City Mormon temple

The annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR) and the Religious Research Association (RRA) will take place in Salt Lake City, Utah from October 20-22, 2023. During the event, the MSSA will host numerous sessions devoted to Mormon Studies. The Salt Lake Tribune’s Senior Religion Reporter Peggy Fletcher Stack will deliver our biennial Glenn M. Vernon Lecture.

We look forward to welcoming you to Utah!

Explore the full SSSR+RRA preliminary program.

Mormon Social Science Association Program

Friday, October 20th

1: 10 – 2:40 PM | Session C-9 SSSR – Mormonism and Disaffiliation

  • Mormonism In Extremis: Threats Along the Covenant Path
  • Beyond disenchantment and disaffiliation: Meaning-making for women after Mormonism
  • Garments and the Construction of Mormon Bodies

2:50 – 4:20 PM | Session D-10 SSSR Far-Right Conservative Mormonism in the United States

  • This is Not an Official Site”: Theological Speculation and Discussion on the LDS Freedom Forum
  • Navigating Boundaries in Mormon Spaces on Far-Right Social Media
  • Far-Right Sympathies Among US Mormons: Demographic and Ideological Factors That Predict Support for DezNat and Christian Nationalism
  • Fissures, Factions, and Fault Lines? Death Penalty Support among Latter-day Saints Reconsidered

5:00 PM | Salt Lake City Cemetery Tour – with historian Matthew Bowman. Spaces are limited; MSSA members and guests should RSVP as soon as possible.

Saturday, October 21st

9:00 – 10:30 AM | Session E-2 SSSR – Glenn M. Vernon Lecture by Peggy Fletcher Stack

  • Covering an Evolving Mormonism: A Journalist’s Barometer of Prophets, Problems, and Progress

10:40 – 12:10 | Session F-6 SSSR – On the Genesis of the Sociology of Mormonism and the University of Utah

  • Panel discussion

10:40 – 12:10 | Session F-11 SSSR – Latter-day Saint Self-Reliance and Social Justice

  • The Self-Reliance Initiative: A Method of Revelatory Liberal Capitalism
  • How Mormons Are Building Zion Among the Poor Worldwide: Sustainable Grassroots Strategies with Social Impacts
  • The LDS Self-Reliance Initiative in Peru and Utah

12:15 | MSSA Business Meeting and pizza lunch – room TBA, all members welcome

6:00 | Informal MSSA dinner – details to be announced during the business meeting, all members welcome

Sunday, October 22nd

9:00 – 10:30 | Session I-1 SSSR: Envisioning Empowerment and Oppression

  • Neophytes and Lamanites: Handsome Lake and the Book of Mormon
  • Joseph’s Adventures in Dream Land: utilizing psychobiology and ascription theory to explore visionary experiences and their contested narrative descriptions
  • Oh! slavery how I hate thee!’: Perspectives of European Latter-day Saint emigrants on American slavery

9:00 – 10:30 | Session I-10 SSSR – Latter-day Saint Sexual Minorities: When Is Religion Helpful? When Is It Harmful? How Does It Work?

  • The Various Ways Being Latter-day Saint Relates to Health for Sexual Minorities
  • How Religiousness Promotes (and Does not Promote) Flourishing among Latter-day Saint Sexual Minorities
  • Establishing the Temporal Relationship Between Religious Commitment, Sexual Identity Struggles, and Religious Struggles Among Sexual Minority Latter-day Saints

2023 Glenn M. Vernon Lecture: Peggy Fletcher Stack

This year, the Glenn M. Vernon Lecture will be given by award-winning journalist Peggy Fletcher Stack, who will reflect on over 30 years of covering Mormonism for the Salt Lake Tribune. Stack has received a lifetime achievement award from the Religion Newswriters Association as well as many other awards for specific news stories. She is the interim executive director of the International Association of Religion Journalists (IARJ), author of the book “A World of Faiths,” and co-host of the Salt Lake Tribune’s popular “Mormon Land” podcast.

About the Vernon Lectures

Every two years, the association invites a distinguished thinker in Mormon Studies to present the Glenn M. Vernon Lecture. The lecture honors the legacy of Glenn M. Vernon, a pioneer in Mormon studies, and the first president of the Society for the Sociological Study of Mormon Life, which later became MSSA. It is intended to be an original contribution to the study of Mormon life and an edited version of the lecture is stored in the MSSA archive.

Join the MSSA

As an interdisciplinary and international association, the MSSA promotes the social scientific study of Mormonism and facilitates communication and collaboration among researchers, educators and students. Membership is open to all. We sponsor scholarly conferences, publications, panel discussions, paper sessions,  and the biennial Glenn M. Vernon Lecture. Join us today.

Give to the MSSA

The Armand Mauss Founders’ Fund supports the costs of the Vernon Lecture, honoraria for other invited speakers, student paper awards, student travel assistance, MSSA sponsored publications and other organizational expenses deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.

Mormon Social Science Association One-day Conference, Utah Tech University, April 15, 2023

Campus building Utah Tech University

Revived after several years of pandemic-related hiatus, our One-Day MSSA conference is hosted by Dr. Nancy Ross of Utah Tech University. The event takes place on the Utah Tech campus, in the College of Education building (COE), Room 121, on April 15th, 2023 in St. George, Utah.

Join the conversation on social media and include the hashtag: #MormonStudies

Twitter /X @MormonMSSA

Facebook: MormonMSSA


10:00 AM  Mormonism, Gender, and Power: Considering New Frontiers, Spaces, and Frameworks

“Understanding Spousal Power in Latter-day Saint Marriages”

“LDS Women in Interfaith Spaces”

“Researching Global Mormon Women: Reflections on Ethics, Methods, and Challenges”

1:00 PM Studies with Interviews

“The Hymns of Kolob: Affective Secularism and Entheogenic Spirituality”

“Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints accepting a transgender or gender diverse (TGD) child”

“Secret Combinations: Unique Formations within Mormon QAnon”

2:15 PM Material Culture and History

“Heterotopian Sacroscape: Cemeteries in Short Creek and Centennial Park”

“Conceptualizing Emigrant Motives Of British Latter-day Saints, 1840-60”

“Garments and Secrecy”

October 20­-22, 2023 SSSR + RRA Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah

The Mormon Social Science Association welcomes paper submissions for its annual meeting, held conjointly with the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion + Religious Research Association annual meeting in Salt Lake City from October 20 to 22, 2023.

Given the Salt Lake City location this year, we are hoping to have a robust slate of programming, which will include multiple MSSA sessions, journalist Peggy Fletcher Stack as the Glenn Vernon lecturer, and at least one off-site event. 

We invite contributions on all topics relevant to the social scientific study of Mormonism, with special interest in those featuring multiculturalism, gender/sexuality, post-colonialism, generational change, and questions of disaffiliation/retention. The theme of the 2023 SSSR+RRA annual meeting is Religion: Empowering or Oppressing People and Communities?”

The MSSA invites proposals for:

  • Individual Papers
  • Session Proposals
  • Panels
  • Author-Meets-Critics sessions

Submissions Open: February 1, 2023
Submissions Close: March 24, 2023

Submit paper proposals through this link by March 24.

Questions: Dr. Jana Riess, flunkingsainthood@admin


Join the MSSA

As an interdisciplinary and international association, the MSSA promotes the social scientific study of Mormonism and facilitates communication and collaboration among researchers, educators and students. Membership is open to all. We sponsor scholarly conferences, publications, panel discussions, paper sessions,  and the biennial Glenn M. Vernon Lecture. Join us today.

April 15, 2023 MSSA One-day Conference at Utah Tech University in St. George, Utah

Our One-Day MSSA conference is being revived after several years of pandemic-related hiatus, and we are delighted that Dr. Nancy Ross of Utah Tech University, has agreed to coordinate the event. Rather than having competing breakout sessions, we will all be meeting in the same room, with plenty of time for discussion.

The MSSA invites submissions for:

  • Individual Papers
  • Session Proposals
  • Panels
  • Author-Meets-Critics sessions
  • Posters

Submit paper proposals through this link by March 20, 2023.

Submissions Open: February 1, 2023
Submissions Close: March 20, 2023
